Unexpected revelations from wikileaks

Of course we are all just waiting for something really exciting to come out of wikileaks. Everything so far is either predictable (Prince Andrew criticising the Serious Fraud Office investigation of British Aerospace) or predictable (the Saudi royal family don't like Iran).

But in the meantime you can get some cute insights by reading between the lines. Here's my favourite of the day:
4. (S) Note: A quick google check revealed several companies with the name INSULTEC in the title - these may or not be affiliated. Based on the information provided by source (currently in Iran, where he frequently travels), one possible candidate could be "INSULTEC Chitral Ltd."
I'm not sure if Google is the only authorised resource for US diplomats to find information, but "INSULTEC Chitral" returns nothing on Google apart from links to this wikileaks document.

The surprising discovery here is that the US State Department, with its world-class spies and diplomatic research resources, hasn't yet figured out how to search public online databases run by its closest allies. It takes about 30 seconds to discover (at Companies House) that there's only one UK registered company called Insultec (that last URL may be specific to my session, but you can search for the name at the Companies House link above).

I am happy to offer my research services to the State Department if they need someone to look up any more company names for them. Just drop me an email, Hillary, and I'll be your personal interface to the Internet.

p.s. there is a "Chitra Insultec Pvt Ltd" selling paint at weathertuff.com. However this is an Indian company, reselling paint invented by a UK citizen living in Australia; not, as the intelligence claims, a UK company run by directors of Indian origin. I hope we are not relying on this quality of research to save the world from nuclear war. But I fear that we may be.


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