Congratulations to Six to Start

Well done to my friends Claire, Dan and Adrian at Six to Start - who have won the Best of Show prize at the South by Southwest Web awards.

Their website We Tell Stories, built with Penguin, also won the prize for the Experimental category. They've done well to get some big companies seriously involved in the ARG genre, and their work is worth watching.

Dan's blog is at - mostly links but occasionally a bit more. Claire makes interesting cross-media narrative performance pieces such as Thinking Aloud with Annette Mees. Adrian's blog is and has some nice pieces like this one about Ernst Choukula.

They have some investment from NESTA which seems to be making some innovative moves recently. Which reminds me, the Digital Britain report is on its way to a final version soon. It will be intriguing to see how far the final version diverges from the interim draft.


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