Zeitgeist analysis, 29 March 2009

Oh, you fickle economists.

Bored with AIG already? It's fallen 129 places from number 7 to number 136 in this week's word cloud.

The theme of the week? Plan is up 75 to 17 and Geithner up 218 places to 72. Asset and assets are up 106 and 53 places respectively, with toxic up 683 places and FDIC 436. Loan is up 237, bonds up 175, paper up 43 and purchase up 168 places.

At the top of the charts, one, new and financial remain in the top three places, with market up two to 4 and government and US both down one place to 5 and 6.

Banks is up 8 places to 7, banking and bank also rise substantially (also bankruptcy); currency is up 246 places and dollar and dollars both rise a few dozen positions, though money is down six places to number 14 and bill down 135 places into the 300s, with cash also falling slightly (but green jumping 477 places).

Crisis, capital, risk and investment are all up and policy, public, federal and Washington all down.

Larger movements include sales, up 230 to 61, loans, up 103 to 94, program up about 120 places to around 110, bonuses down 388 and action up 202. Oddly, house and housing are both down substantially while home and homes have jumped up.

One man at least will be happy this week: Paul Krugman becomes the first blogger (and the first economist, excluding Ben Bernanke) to feature in the list, at number 527. But there is a lot of introversion this week: economists is up 79, economics up 79 (and economic up 3 at the top of the list), and theory up 128 places.

Trillion is down 120 places, billion down 16 and million down 49. International is up 74, global up 50 and world up 5 to 31; UK up 119 and China up 113, but EU, Europe and European all down. Germany doesn't appear in the list but Texas does (George Bush's revenge?).

In a slightly hopeful sign, loss and losses both fall, while profit and profits have entered the list for the first time (though remaining less popular than losses for the time being). Recovery and recession are both down, though recession by more; depression is no longer in the list. Demand and supply are both up substantially, so perhaps the economy is starting to work again.

Look out tomorrow for some bonus analysis of conflict within the blogosphere.


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